May 27 

Pricol Ltd, a manufacturer of auto parts and precision-engineered products, has announced the inauguration of  Centre of Excellence (CoE) in association with PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. 

The PSG-Pricol Centre of Excellence, located inside the PSG College of Technology campus, was inaugurated jointly by Vikram Mohan, Managing Director, Pricol Ltd, and L Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions. 

Pricol has identified several new technology products and innovative processes to meet demand fromautomotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in India and abroad. The Centre of Excellence has been conceptualised to develop high-efficiency micro motors and robotics and artificial intelligence-based processes and equipment, according to a statement. 

“The Centre of Excellence is a small effort from our end towards bringing industry and academia together. Pricol has identified and is implementing several new technology solutions and innovative processes to meet the requirements of automotive OEMs, both in India and overseas. We are delighted to be partnering with PSG College of Technology in this venture,” said Vikram Mohan, Managing Director, Pricol Ltd. 

PSG is expected to support the development of high-efficiency micro motors, robotics and artificial intelligence-based processes and equipment. “CoE will help students to proactively be a part of the real-world challenges and also add value to our product and process,” he added. 

The CoE is expected to come out with new technology products and processes, supported by Pricol’s strong footprint in product domain and customer connect and PSG Institutions’ expertise in first principle fundamentals.