Ramco Systems has reported a net profit of ₹30 lakh for the quarter ended March 31 against a loss of ₹5.3 crore in the corresponding quarter last year. Revenue increased by nearly 6 per cent to ₹73.2 crore (₹67 crore).

For the fiscal , the Chennai-based software company reported a net loss of ₹24 crore on revenue of ₹263 crore as against a net loss of ₹40.7 crore as against ₹239 crore in the previous year.

Revenue mix

Ramco has achieved breakeven in the fourth quarter. The revenue mix has seen a positive shift to product/intellectual property-led revenue. The overseas market now contributes 69 per cent to the overall revenue as against 47 per cent last year.

The company’s focus on mobile, user interface, social, in-memory and context aware have started to bear results, Virender Aggarwal, CEO, Ramco Systems, said in a press release.