City-based RFPIO, a patented cloud-based proposal management platform, is aiming to expand its enterprise users to one lakh by year 2020 from the present 25,000, a top company official said Thursday.

The company has brought in the greatest innovation technology for responding to ‘Request for Proposals’ (RPF) and plans to make the city a worldwide sales and development hub, CEO of RFPIO Ganesh Shankar told reporters here.

The two-year-old company has simplified and automated the RFP process and made it easier for teams to collaborate quickly to complete proposals on schedule and win businesses, he said.

In light of today’s ever-increasing competition and time constraints, the company’s product learns from the past responses and recommends the best content for new questions and deliver a dashboard that provide visibility into RFP process, vice-president of RFPIO (technology) Manish Bafna said.

RFPIO is the only company using Artificial Intelligence in the response software, he said.

Stating that the company has 500 users, including 30-plus in Coimbatore, in India, Shankar said it served customers in America and 100 other countries, with offices in Oregon, Portland, for sales in