Reliance Industries Ltd’s refinery at Jamnagar has been counted amongst the world’s top five manufacturing units.

On Friday, at 6 p.m., the Discovery Channel will be profiling five of the world's largest factories – the Jamnagar refinery of Reliance, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Posco’s steel plant, Volkswagen’s car plant and the Kitt Green Foods plant – on parameters such as the largest building, size of complex, annual production in tonnage, initial investment and employee strength.

Discovery has ranked the Jamnagar refinery as the overall number one manufacturing units on these parameters, according to a release here.

From more than 70 lakh manufacturing units worldwide, the channel first short-listed the world’s five largest organisations based on the five parameters. After due diligence, the channel contacted all five organisations with a comprehensive questionnaire to verify and validate their findings.

The channel’s team then visited Jamnagar and spent three days examining and shooting all major sub-sites, such as the jetty, the tank farms and the pipe racks, apart from taking aerial shots of the refinery complex. They also shot inside the RIL’s national operations control centre (NOC).