Tata Sons' independent director Ronen Sen is not too happy with the leak of information purportedly from Cyrus Mistry camp regarding the ongoings in the group.

"I have not and will not comment on the veracity or otherwise of confidential and internal documents being leaked in a selective and motivated manner by "sources close to the former chairman", contrary to norms governing privileged information. I leave it to you to arrive at your own conclusions on whether these orchestrated leaks, unless denounced by him, will enhance or further diminish the confidence of his fellow directors on the board of Tata Sons," Sen, who is also a former ambassador to the US, said in a letter.

"I will also not stoop to the level of the unidentified "person" "close to the former chairman" who has implicitly questioned my integrity and explicitly alleged that I, and another respected colleague on the board, of "clearly having failed to apply their mind independently and discharge their fiduciary duty" by dignifying the charge with a response. The implied assumption that there were no developments between the meeting of the Nomination & Renumeration Committee and the board meeting on the 24th October is also naive to put it mildly," it added.

Sen added that the letter was in his personal capacity and not on behalf of Tata Sons or fellow board members.
