SAIL expects to add 1000 new dealers to its rural distribution network over the next seven months. The company has launched a rural dealership scheme to encourage use of steel products and increase footprint of its branded products in the hinterland.

The new scheme envisages appointment of rural dealers in talukas and blocks across the country. At present, SAIL has some 2,700 dealers across 630 districts.

“The rural market in India is undergoing rapid transformation with its newfound purchasing power. This potential could help us in raising per capita steel consumption in the country provided we understand their requirement better and produce suitable products,” said Mr C.S.Verma, Chairman, SAIL in a statement.

SAIL believes that its new rural dealership scheme would help increase per capita steel consumption in the long run. At present, the per capita steel consumption is in rural areas is estimated to be around 9.78 kgs as compared to around 140 kgs in urban India.