SAIL has taken up Rs 3,800 crore environment protection-related projects. SAIL sources told Business Line that the projects would be implemented in its iron ore mines and were expected to be complete by 2014-15.

This follows comprehensive studies on Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan.

A key component of the over Rs 10,000-crore modernisation and expansion programme, the projects aim to enhance production capacity from the present 18 million tonnes (mt) to 39 mt by 2015-16 with lesser impact on the nature.

The projects would include improvement in ore processing for zero discharge, minimising generation of tailings, reduction in use of water and land.

At Kiriburu mine in Jharkhand, SAIL planned to install a Rs 45-crore tailing dam slime beneficiation plant and a Rs 17-crore water reclamation unit.

“This will substantially reduce fresh water consumption from Gagirath Jharna through recycling, reduce solid material flow and stop any discharge into a local stream,” a SAIL official said.

A similar project is being set up at Bolani mines in Odisha for Rs 8 crore. Gua mine complex in Jharkhand has already constructed a check dam to stop top soil run off from mining area. It will also set up new tailing dam and water recycling plant.

Barsua (Odhisha) mine is working on a project to utilise iron ore wastes. At Chiria mines (Jharkhand), SAIL planned to set up an ore processing unit far away from the mines.