Salesforce, a customer relationship management solutions company, launched Health Cloud 2.0, a technology designed to help businesses and governments deliver better health and safety for their employees, customers, and communities.

The company has started deploying Dreampass, a component of the Health Cloud 2.0 portfolio, which enables robust and scalable Covid-19 safety protocols, including managing proof of vaccination, integrating with testing vendors.

It also lets organisatons deliver automated personalised communications throughout the process to help ensure a safer environment for attendees, staff, and the community.

“Every company is eager to be together safely with their customers, prospects, employees, and partners as they look to get back to growth and combat digital fatigue,” Sarah Franklin, President and Chief Marketing Officer of Salesforce, said in a statement on Thursday.

As the world moves to a hybrid of digital, in-person, and on-site mode of work, focus has shifted to ensuring health, safety, and effective business operations in the new normal.

“We built Dreampass, powered by Health Cloud 2.0, to bring our community together safely in San Francisco for a special in-person experience unlike anything else in the world,” Sarah Franklin said.

Contact tracing

The other components of Health Cloud 2.0 include ‘Contact tracing’, which allows organisations manually contact trace more safely and securely by collecting only limited, necessary data from individuals who are infected or potentially exposed. It creates visual maps of contacts to monitor for potential outbreaks.

While ‘Vaccine management’ tool helps governments and organisations manage vaccine programmes at scale quickly, ‘value-based care from anywhere’ lets healthcare organisations personalise patient experiences and deliver hybrid healthcare experiences in multiple care settings.