Samsung India is betting big on the launch of its new models in order to strengthen its premier position in the TV segment.

According to Raju Pullan, Senior Vice President (Consumer Electronic Business), the company is looking at to enhance its overall market share in TV to 33 per cent from the current 30 per cent with the launch of new models. The company is eyeing FIFA World Cup soccer as the biggest opportunity to enhance the sales during June and July, especially in Kerala.

Increasing trend

The new models with innovative features have been introduced in the ultra premium, ultra high definition (UHD) and the mass segments. “We hope to raise the market share in ultra-premium QLED TV to 55 per cent from 47 per cent, UHD to 45 per cent from 36 per cent and in the mass segment to 38 per cent from 33 per cent,’’ he said.

There is an increasing trend among Indian consumers to move towards bigger and smarter TVs and the company hopes to garner a major business from this segment. It is also looking a 20 to 30 per cent extra business in Kerala during June-July period.

The company is expecting that the rise in TV sales would reflect on its turnover as TV is one of the major contributors to the revenue. The turnover is expected to touch ₹10 billion in 2018-19, he said.