Sanofi Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. (SHIPL) plans to  invest €400 million in capacity expansion of its Global Capability Centre (GCC), Hyderabad including €100 million by 2025.

Over the next two years, the GCC will expand to host up to 2600 employees, making it the largest of Sanofi’s four global hubs. Sanofi’s four GGCC are strategic Hubs across the Globe that give the company a competitive edge in delivering best-in-class enterprise solutions. 

Established in 2019, the Hyderabad hub has grown exponentially from being a Medical Hub to now providing several best-in-class services to Sanofi’s global functions and affiliates across the world.

“This future-forward global hub for talent in Hyderabad, is a state-of-the-art workplace designed to be environmentally sustainable and foster diversity and inclusivity.”

“Hyderabad is emerging as a preferred shared services destination with a large pool of talent. We’re excited to invest and build this hub here to become a great global community striving for excellence, with digitalization at the heart of our transformation,’‘ Madeleine Roach, Executive Vice President, Business Operations, Sanofi told newspersons here on Wednesday.

“This substantial additional investment of over 400 million euros and the creation of over 2,600 jobs in the next two years underscore Telangana’s commitment to fostering a thriving environment for innovation and growth,’‘  D Sridhar Babu, Telangnana Minister for Information Technology, Electronics & Communications, Industries & Commerce and Legislative Affairs said. 

These hubs are key ‘nerve-centers’ that enable centralization and modernization and allow for scaling-up opportunities across Sanofi’s value chain, offering a wide array of services ranging from commercial,  manufacturing & supply to R&D and digital. 

Emmanuel Frenehard, Executive Vice President, Chief Digital Officer, Sanofi said: “Our ambition is to be the first biopharma company powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) at  scale. We intend to onboard talent at the Hyderabad hub to embrace the power of AI across our value chain.’‘