In strategic collaborations with specialised travel and lifestyle partners in India, the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has unveiled its latest plans for the Indian market. “Singapore – The Holiday You Take Home with You,” the third in a series of customised and differentiated marketing campaigns after those in China and Australia, adopts a similar consumer-centric approach.

STB's new marketing campaign focuses on offerings that appeal to the Indian audience.

The campaign rests on four pillars of enriching experiences: family fun, active lifestyle, culinary, and romance.

‘Important market'

“India is an important market for us. Today, Indian travellers have discerning travel needs. Indian consumers prefer families to travel and bond together through shared learning experiences.

Many also research and plan their own free and independent traveller itineraries on the Internet, and are eager to try out and learn new things,” Mr Randall Tan, STB's Regional Director for South Asia, said. STB's new campaign wishes to draw an emotional connection between travellers and the destination, Mr Tan said.

Indian tourists to Singapore grew from 8.3 lakh in 2010 to 8.7 lakh in 2011, a 5 per cent year-on-year growth. A total of 13.2 million global tourists visited Singapore in 2011.

Digital thrust

The campaign is driven largely by a digital thrust that features online and mobile advertising, a dedicated India landing page on the YourSingapore destination Web site, and social media engagement, including a Facebook quiz. The dedicated Web page allows easy navigation and customisation of one's travel itinerary.

It also highlights the new itineraries under culinary, family fun, romance and active lifestyle, travel agent listings and travel essentials, along with a social media component to enable travellers to have first-hand information about the latest events taking place in Singapore.
