The Singareni Collieries Company Limited has achieved a turnover of Rs 25,828 crore for the year 2018-19, up 21 per cent over Rs 21,323 crore it logged during previous financial year. The State-owned mining company has notched up several major achievements logging highest ever turnover, coal transport and coal production in the financial year 2018-19.

The coal transport was up at 67.67 MT, up 5 per cent over 64.61 MT last year and coal production was up 4 per cent at 64.4 MT as against 62 MT. While highlighting the achievements of the company, N Sridhar, Chairman and Managing Director of Singareni, congratulated the workers, officials, supervisory staff and union leaders on this achievement. He hoped that the same zeal would be continued in the new financial year.

He said that the Railways played a key role in stepping up coal transport to various locations. The coal transport through rail rakes was up 19.7 per cent at 12,372 rakes this year as against 10,422 rakes. While on an average coal transport was done through 28.5 railway rakes per day last year, this year it has increased to 34 railway rakes per day. An MoU with Railways added to the strong volume growth.

All the 11 areas of Singareni have shown growth in coal production and transport. The mining company could supply to various power projects it has tied up without any hurdles, including to Telangana power projects and projects in other States. As per the agreements, it supplied coal to Andhra Pradesh (78 lakh tonnes), Tamil Nadu (8.4 lakh tonnes), Karnataka (54 lakh tonnes) and Maharashtra (42 lakh tonnes).

While various captive power plants of Industries were supplied 37 lakh tonnes of coal, cement industries were backed by 29 lakh tonnes of coal, small industries (15.6 lakh tonnes), ceramics and 2000 other Industries were supplied 47 lakh tonnes of coal.