The state-owned mining major The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd (SCCL) has outlined plans to recruit about 7,147 employees as it takes up expansion and consolidation of its existing mines and other infrastructure.

This will be one of the major exercises of the company after the new State of Telangana was carved out last year.

Of the 7,147 jobs notified by the mining company, 3,518 vacancies would be filled in by notification and about 4,053 jobs would be filled in through internal process where dependant members of staff would be inducted as per company norms.

Thus far, in the recent times, two major notifications were issued apart from 18 internal notifications for job vacancies across various categories.

As per plans, about 4,053 appointments would be completed by November and orders for induction of about 943 employees are likely to be issued shortly.

In the case of engineering and other graduates in their final year, the company is awaiting orders from the court as to the course of action.

After N Sridhar took over as Chairman and Managing Director of SCCL, the mining company has scaled up its targets for the year 2015-16 and is looking at opening up of new mines and expanding the existing mines, both underground and opencast.

The recruitment taken up on a fast track mode is aimed at meeting the requirement of expansion and towards addressing the growing coal requirement of thermal power projects in the State. A 1,200-MW thermal power project of SCCL in Adilabad district is also likely to be fully operational before the end of the current financial year.

Towards the completion of the recruitment process, Singareni Collieries is poised to come out with couple of more notifications.

With regard to earlier job notifications, written examinations were conducted and about 453 people have been recruited. During the year, so far about 2,200 jobs have been handed over to the selected candidates.