Singareni Collieries production goes up

V Rishi Kumar Updated - January 22, 2018 at 10:59 AM.

The Singareni Collieries Company Ltd has achieved record production in the last eight months of this financial year and registered new highs in coal supplies and overburden removal.

The mining company produced 37.5 million tonnes of coal in last 8 months against the target 34.6 million tonnes, registering 108 per cent in terms of production target. This is new record in the history of company.

Record supply
SCCL supplied 38.1 million tonnes of coal during last eight months, again a record. Out of this, the company supplied 21.6 lakh tonnes as per Fuel Supply Agreements (FSAs) against target 18.1 million tonnes with 120 per cent achievement.

The company removed 195 million cubic metres overburden up to November, this is 20 per cent higher as against the performance during the same period of last year.

N Sridhar, Chairman and Managing Director of SCCL, appealed to the employees to continue similar efforts and ensure the annual targets are surpassed over the next four months.

Target crossed During November, the company produced 5.27 million tonnes against target 4.83 million tonnes registering 109 per cent achievement with 15 per cent growth over last year in a single month. During November last year, the company had produced 4.56 million tonnes.

The company supplies 5 million tonnes through 950 rakes during the month, registering a growth of 17 per cent over last year same period.

Last year, during November, the company supplied 4.4 million tonnes of coal through 696 rakes. The company managed to supply 20 per cent higher coal to thermal power plants.

Published on December 2, 2015 09:42