Jasper Infotech, the owner of e-commerce marketplace Snapdeal, alongwith the current management of Quickdel Logistics, which operates the delivery firm GoJavas, has filed a case of forgery, cheating and misappropriation of funds against the former senior executives and directors at GoJavas.

An FIR in this regard has been filed at the Economic Offence Wing of New Delhi police.

According to the FIR documemt, assessed by Business Line, Snapdeal and Quickdel both together has pressed serious allegations and cognizable offence of fraud, breach of trust, conspiracy and criminal misappropriation of funds to the tune of several crores against former executive directors of Quickdel.

Business Line could not contact the executives named in the FIR hence withholding the names.

According to the FIR, Snapdeal has alleged that the former executives along with the unnamed accused persons had, in 2014, induced the Kunal Bahl and Rohit Bansal promoted e-commerce company to invest in Quickdel by suggesting that the investment would help the delivery company to grow faster and become a sizeable market player. “As a result of these false representation, the Complainant (Snapdeal) was induced into buying shares of Quickdel from Randhir Singh and Praveen Sinha and acquired about 49.99 per cent shareholding in Quickdel,” the FIR document stated.