NGOs in Kerala must become literate about the country’s laws and policies on corporate social responsibility (CSR) fund, said Nikhil Pant, a renowned CSR consultant and Chairman & CEO, Reacha.

This knowledge would empower companies to acquire and utilize CSR funds effectively, thereby addressing societal issues more beneficially, he said at the Social Innovation Summit here.

Kerala, known for its high literacy rate, faces challenges due to the lack of awareness among its NGOs regarding CSR fund acquisition and utilization. He highlighted that understanding these funds is essential for devising impactful schemes to reach deserving beneficiaries and drive positive societal changes.

Organized by HiFiC Consultancy (HiFiC) under the auspices of the National NGO Confederation, the two-day summit featured expert-led classes on various crucial topics, including CSR fundraising and innovative approaches to social startups.

The summit was inaugurated by TJ Vinod MLA. The others who attended included National NGO Confederation Coordinator Ananthu Krishnan, HP Zonal Head Sineesh Sreedhar, Sivan Ambattu from Entrepreneurship Institute, Ahmedabad.

Ananthu Krishnan emphasized the summit’s goal of raising awareness and providing training to voluntary organizations, enabling them to conceive and implement innovative solutions to societal problems. He stressed the importance of youth motivation and participation in driving these positive changes.

The summit’s first day featured sessions on empowering social enterprises, corporate-NGO collaboration for sustainable impact, and new trends in non-profit fundraising. A special session was organized for college students to provide guidance on entrepreneurship, reflecting the summit’s commitment to nurturing future leaders.

The event saw the participation of around 2000 volunteers and organizations from various states in South India, underscoring the widespread interest and engagement in fostering social innovation.