Stempeutics Research, a group company of Manipal Education & Medical Group is looking for partners to make and distribute its product Stempeutron to market.

The company which is into stem cell-based medicinal products, with facilities in India and Malaysia has built this device which automatically isolates stromal vascular fraction cells from the patient's own fat tissue, without much human intervention.

Talking to Business Line, N Manohar, Managing Director, Stempeutics said: “The partnership will also include making the product in India and distributing it.”

He added that currently, a similar equipment if imported will cost about Rs 2 crore and if this gets manufactured in India it will cost about Rs 20 lakhs or 1/10th of the cost.

Further, this device would not need a clean room in hospitals which adds to the cost of a medical centre and would help smaller hospitals and diagnostic labs to buy this equipment, added Manohar.

The company is eying partners from multinationals since recent FDI rules in medical devices allow foreign companies to partner or make devices in India.