Sterlite Industries’ appeal against the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board closing its copper smelting unit has been transferred to the Principal Bench of the National Green Tribunal, New Delhi.

This followed a request for the transfer by the members of the National Green Tribunal Southern Zone Bench hearing the company’s appeal.

The four-lakh-tonne-a-year copper smelting unit of the Vedanta Group company has been closed since March 30 by an order of the Pollution Control Board following complaints of excess emission from the plant.

The closure order was issued after members of the public in parts of Tuticorin had complained of throat and eye irritation on March 23.

The company has denied the allegations.

Justice M. Chockalingam and Expert Member R. Nagendran of the Tribunal’s Southern Bench passed an order stating, “since the members of this Bench were not inclined to hear the appeals further” they had requested the Chairperson, Principal Bench, New Delhi, to withdraw the appeal.

In line with the request the appeal has been listed in the Principal Bench. The Members directed the parties concerned – Sterlite Industries, and the four respondents including the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board and Vaiko, the leader of the Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, who has been spearheading a movement against the smelting unit, to appear before the Principal Bench.

The Southern Zone Bench passed the order after the expert committee constituted by it to inspect the condition of the emission safety equipment at the smelting unit submitted its report. The report has been received in a sealed cover and will be submitted along with the case papers to the Principal Bench.

The members, Chockalingam and Nagendran, expressed disappointment that the case could not continue to be heard in Tamil Nadu.

The appellants and respondents also expressed surprise and disappointment over the transfer.

Vaiko said the case had been “heard well, was proceeding smoothly and should have been heard here in Tamil Nadu.” But case has been transferred and `reasons not specified.’

Sterlite Industries CEO, P. Ramnath, said the company had been hoping for an interim order on its appeal but will now approach the Principal Bench.