A section of workers at Hyundai Motor’s plant in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai, continued to strike work for the second day.

According to representatives of the CITU-affiliated Hyundai Motor Employees Union (HMIEU), hundreds of workers stayed away from work on Wednesday. Their demands include reinstatement of suspended staff and salary negotiations.

Talks with management are expected to happen on Thursday.

The company said production had not been affected due to this. (On Tuesday, the company had estimated the production loss due to the work disruption to be 59 cars.)

The Korean car manufacturer has a three-year wage settlement with another union, the United Union of Hyundai Employees, which the company has recognised. But HMIEU is not recognised by the company.

According to a statement from Hyundai, production at it's plants continue to be normal despite absenteeism by 200 workers.