Wing turbine manufacturer, Suzlon Energy Limited (SEL), on Monday announced that it has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Andhra Pradesh Government for the development of 3000 mw of wind power generation capacity between 2012 and 2016.This could entail an outlay of up to Rs 18,000 crore.

The MoU was signed during the CII Partnership Summit 2012 in the presence of the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Mr. N.Kiran Kumar Reddy. The State will facilitate Suzlon in obtaining necessary permissions, registrations, approvals and clearances for the development of the wind farms. Suzlon, in turn, will play the role of a developer and facilitate the channelisation of investments into the State through its customers investing in wind energy.

Mr. Tulsi Tanti, Chairman, Suzlon Group, in a statement said: “This reinforces Andhra Pradesh’s position as one of India’s emerging markets in wind energy, but also illustrates their commitment to power a low-carbon economy by embracing progressive policies.”

The agreement covers the development of new capacity in wind farms across the State. It is proposed to take up projects in several districts of the State. Andhra Pradesh is a key emerging wind market in the country, with medium to low wind sites ideally suited to Suzlon’s new S9X suite of turbines, the statement maintained.

The Pune-based Suzlon Group is amongst major wind turbine suppliers with its installations spread extending across Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and North and South America with over 18,000 mw of wind energy capacity installed in 28 countries.

During the Summit, another company Mytrah Energy too signed up for development of wind energy projects.