Wind power company Suzlon has launched a campaign titled Pure Air Lovers’ Society, (P.a.l.s) a movement to focus on the importance of clean air.

Gaadi Band, the movement’s first activation, is based on the premise that around 70% of air pollution in India comes from vehicular pollution. It appeals to people to switch-off the engines of their vehicles at traffic signals of 30 seconds or more, thereby contributing to a reduction in pollution emissions as idling vehicles produce more emissions than driving itself.

Dharini Mishra, Global Head of Brand, Suzlon Group said, “We believe that p.a.l.s. will create a change in attitudes, and eventually result in actions to make our air cleaner and environment healthier. P.a.l.s. first initiative, Gaadi Band, hopes to spread awareness on emission reduction at signals.”

 The activation will start as an online pledge at followed by on-ground activations, where p.a.l. volunteers will speak with commuters at long traffic signals and urge them to switch off their engines.