Wind turbine maker Suzlon on Monday said its wind farm in Uruguay was commissioned by the Presidents of Brazil and Uruguay.

“Suzlon’s Wind Energy Farm in Uruguay was inaugurated by President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff and President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica,” the company said in statement.

It said that the farm is the first of its kind joint venture between Brazil and Uruguay to harness wind energy. Suzlon is responsible for complete Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) and life-time service.

“The successful completion of the maiden project in Uruguay is a strong testament to Suzlon’s diversified product portfolio that seamlessly caters to different markets and geographies,” Tulsi R Tanti, Chairman, Suzlon Group said in the statement.

The power generated from this project will be fed into Uruguay’s national grid to meet the region’s energy needs.

Uruguay aims to increase its energy from renewables in its total primary consumption to 50 per cent by 2015 as compared to about 40 per cent in 2012. The 65.1 MW project will light up 20,300 households in Uruguay.