Safe Water Network and Honeywell India on Tuesday announced their 100th iJal safe water station and their move to set up more such stations to provide safe drinking water in rural areas.

The water stations now provide safe water to more than 330,000 people across various districts in Telangana, where people are faced with severe water contamination problems. More than 150 women are employed in these water dispensing stations.

Significantly, these water stations have generated employment and created entrepreneurs through a business model.

It is proposed to add another 30 centres in Telangana while also exploring the potential to set them up in other States.

Kurt Soderlund, Chief Executive Officer of Safe Water Network, said: “We have a vision that a fundamental necessity such as safe water must be available for all. Through strategic partnerships, technology and innovation, on-ground community engagement, and analyses, we have been successful in deploying a strong market-based social enterprise model.”

Community engagement is key to promoting safe water adoption, which begins with door-to-door consumer outreach. Local stakeholders are mobilised to ensure people understand that investing in safe water would help reduce healthcare expenses.

Vikas Chadha, President, Honeywell India, said: “As we announce the setting up of 100th water station in Telangana, we have committed to set up 30 more stations. Cumulatively these will provide safe water access to 4,20,000 people in the State.”

Soderlund said that Safe Water Network is exploring opportunities to take up similar partnership initiatives in other parts of the country.

Each centre has a six step water treatment process, including reverse osmosis water treatment and ultraviolet filteration. Consumers use RFID cards at water ATMs to dispense water.