Marathon talks brokered by the Haryana Government between the management and striking workers at Maruti Suzuki India’s (MSI) Manesar plant are still on, with the stir entering its 14th day today.

According to the company, the talks that began yesterday morning at 11 a.m. continued through the night and were still going on this morning.

“The tripartite negotiation is still going on since 11 a.m. yesterday,” a Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) spokesperson told PTI.

Talks between the MSI management and workers in the presence of the Haryana Labour Department officials resumed yesterday morning after talks broke down on October 18.

“Hopes of an agreement were raised late last night, but an agreement could not be reached as both sides stuck to their stands,” a source privy to the talks said.

The company said it will continue partial production at its Manesar plant with a limited workforce.

The company has already resumed operations at the plant with workers who did not join the strike. It claimed that the strength at the plant has gone up to 600 and rolled out 200 cars yesterday.

The MSI Chairman, Mr R.C. Bhargava, yesterday said the company was hopeful the impasse would end in the next four-five days.

“We have been talking to them for the last three days. We keep talking as a solution to these things takes some time. I cannot say when, but only I can hope that the issues will be solved in the next four-five days,” he said.