Tata Motors Limited announced on Monday that it will raise ₹500 crore by offering 5,000 Non Convertible Debentures (NCDs). The face value of the security is ₹10 lakh each.

The date of redemption for these NCDs is May 29, 2026, with the period of maturity being 1,808 days. The interest will be payable annually and on redemption. These will be offered on a private placement basis and are rated, listed, unsecured and redeemable.

Credit rating agency CRISIL has assigned a “CRISIL AA-”, with a stable outlook to these NCDs.

Last week, TML Holdings Pte. Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata Motors Ltd (TML), had raised $425 million through unsecured notes at a rate of 4.35 per cent. The notes will be issued on June 9, with a maturity date of June 9, 2026. TMLH is the holding company of Jaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc, Tata Daewoo, Korea and a few other international operations of Tata Motors.