Dealing another blow to Cyrus Mistry, Tata Motors union on Wednesday said it has lost confidence in his leadership and rubbished the former chairman’s allegations. The letter also characterises Mistry’s leadership as being deliberately misleading, since despite repeated verbal assurances of an impending settlement, no concrete action has been taken even after 15 months.

In its letter, it said the union members remaining unconvinced of the ‘Measure for Performance’ initiative despite as many as 16 meetings.

Emphasizing the need for workmen and management to be two sides of a well-balanced equation in any company, the Tata Motors Union letter expressed shock that a person of the stature of Mistry would resort to such immature actions.

The Tata Motors Union also decried inferences in Mistry’ earlier communication that their office bearers’ calling on Ratan Tata would in turn impact the ongoing discussions between the management of Tata Motors and the Tata Motors Employees’ Union on the Productivity-Linked Wage Settlement.

Quashing these allegations as lies, the Union, stated that the meeting with Tata on November 10, 2016 was planned well in advance and not one to negotiate a deal. At the meeting Tata appealed to all the workers of Tata Motors to work hard for the benefit of the company. The Union did not discuss any issue or topic related to long term wage settlements.

The letter also specifically places focus on the settlements of 2003, 2006 and 2009 under the leadership of Tata, where the union had accepted quality, productivity, safety and profit-linked wage agreement linked to the prosperity of the company, which showed continuous improvements till 2012.

The letter was sent by Tata Motors Employees Union-Pune, which is the company’s single largest employees union with 7,250 members.