Over 150 agitating workers of Tata Motors' Sanand plant were detained by the police on Saturday as they started shouting slogans in the industrial area in Sanand.

The workers’ turnout was much less than anticipated. However, a police force was deployed on fears of a large turnout of labourers and other union members along with farmers.

"We had asked for permission to convene a protest rally in the GIDC area, which is our democratic right to conduct a peaceful rally. But when the government did not permit us, we decided to go ahead with the protest rally," said Ashok Panjabi, a labour rights activist.

On Friday, a tripartite consultation meeting was convened by Labour department officials with the striking workers and the management. Though the meeting remained inconclusive, the company asked the representatives of the striking workers to submit authorisation showing the support of at least 70 per cent of the striking workmen.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday. About 400 workers have been striking at Tata Motors' Nano plant in Sanand since February 22 demanding reinstatement of 28 suspended workers, allegedly for misconduct.