In its endeavour to empower the future generations through value-added computer-aided literacy, Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd (CGPL), a subsidiary of Tata Power Ltd (TPL), today announced the launch of a development initiative in Gujarat, ‘Project Sujaan', at Mundra in Kutch district.

The project is being implemented by CGPL through an agreement with the Hole–in-the-Wall Education Ltd (Hiwell), a joint venture of NIIT Ltd and the International Finance Corporation ([art of the World Bank Group) to set up, operate and monitor the evaluation of the learning stations for a period of three years, the company said here.

In order to create an effective base for community development and the education backbone, an assessment of the community around the Mundra power project was undertaken. The course curriculum has been formulated keeping in view the need for computer education among the school children, prevailing level of computer literacy among the masses and its usage in their regular life.

The project, as part of CSR activity, was launched recently during the Gujarat Government-sponsored Kanya Kelavani Program aimed at enrolling children in the formal education system. Learning kiosks have been set up in three schools in as many selected villages in Kutch district, said Mr. Alok Kanagat, Executive Director, CGPL.

Under the project, a total of five learning stations will be set up in four schools for innovations in hardware/software technology and cognitive design. The community will be mobilized through interaction, and local leadership from the schools and community will be selected.

The teachers and students will undergo orientation program to familiarise them with computer usage and trouble-shooting. The children will be monitored and evaluated on their achievement levels in computer literacy, English, mathematics and social sciences, besides their life skills.

CGPL, a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) formed for setting up and operating the 4,000 megawatt Ultra Mega Power project (UMPP), based on super-critical technology at Mundra, had signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with seven procurers (distribution licensees) from five states, i.e. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab for the sale of contracted capacity. The first unit of Mundra Power Project, India's first UMPP, is close to commissioning.

Tata Power is India's largest private sector power utility with an installed generation capacity of about 3,120 MW and a presence in all the segments of the power sector, from generation-to-trading. It has also acquired 30% stake in coal companies at Indonesia.