Tata Tea has launched a new ‘JaagoRe’ social campaign targeted at the youth to help care for senior citizens, who are the most affected by Covid-19 and the lockdown.

Through this social campaign — Iss baar #BadonKeLiye #JaagoRe — the company seeks to spread awareness and facilitate change for the cause of the elderly, who are most vulnerable during these times. The campaign is also being supported by influencers, NGOs and experts in senior care management.

“It is important to understand and address the medical, psychological and social needs of the elderly whose routine life is disrupted, making them most prone to confusion and helplessness. WHO and health experts have identified elderly people as more vulnerable to the novel coronavirus outbreak due to their decreased immunity. This has been further reiterated in the PM’s address with ‘care for the elderly’ as one of the key points in the seven-point agenda. A simple action like checking on them to see if they need anything and taking steps to help them will make a big difference,” said Puneet Das, Vice-President, Marketing, Beverages, India, at Tata Consumer Products.

“Of course, all this needs to be done keeping in line with the Covid-19 guidelines, as provided by the local administration,” added Das. “We appeal to all to join the movement and be a catalyst of change with Iss Baar #BadonKeLiye #JaagoRe ,” he added.

The campaign, which went live on April 15, has already garnered 1,388 pledges to help the elderly. On one hand, the campaign inspires youth to help elders with their daily essentials — buy medicines/groceries for them, make a meal for them, help them take care of their pets, or just talk to them. And on the other, it tells elders to stay inside their homes, continue to follow their regular routine, connect with their family and friends on call, engage in positive thoughts/conversations and take small walks inside their homes.

It also urges youth to reach out to elders by volunteering with one of the many NGOs across the country that the company has selected.

Jaago re has always been a means to awaken people on a relevant social issue, inspire them to take action, and thereby make a genuine difference in society. For us, it has always been about making a real difference in people’s life and with this initiative also, that is the attempt. The initiative will involve spreading awareness of the social cause viz helping the elderly, providing relevant tips, tying up with NGOs and providing a common platform for people to connect with them, and share stories of volunteers to inspire others to take action,” said Sushant Dash, President, Beverages, India and Middle East, Tata Consumer Products.