Titan Eye Plus, the optical chain from Titan Industries, has launched Vision Check, a free self-administered online vision test facility.

Vision Check is a general screening test that establishes the need for vision correction for the participant, if required. The test is available at www. titaneyeplus.com.

WHO estimates that 3.3 billion people globally need vision correction. Of these, 670 million have some form of visual impairment that can be corrected by prescription eyewear. In India, 456 million people need vision correction. Ravi Kant, CEO, Eyewear Division, Titan Industries, said, “Roughly one-third of the people in the country need vision correction. Of this, only 25-30 per cent have taken necessary steps to correct it. The others are ignoring and living with this problem and many more are not even aware of having an eye problem. With the launch of Vision Check, we are taking eye testing to people’s homes to help break the inertia. It provides convenience to millions of people who don’t find time to visit their nearest optical store.”

The Vision Check test takes about five minutes and can be taken by anybody above the age of 6 years.
