A trade delegation from Fremont, a district in the state of California, visited Bangalore and is trying to woo Indian companies to set up base in the city.

Vice-Mayor Anu Natarajan told Business Line that the company is trying to establish partnerships with companies in areas such as clean technology, biotech and hi-tech.

"As Fremont is bouncing back, we feel this is the right time to prepare the ground for growth in fast growing areas like these," she said. To woo Indian businesses, Fremont which has started hi-tech manufacturing (like the Tesla car) is also doling out tax and other benefits for companies wanting to set up a base there.

Apart from Natarajan, the team included Fremont Economic Development Director Kelly Klein, Fremont City Council Member Vinnie Bacon, Deputy City Manager Nadine Nadar, Fremont Chief Operating Officer Mark Danaj, U.S. Director of International Trade Development Richard Soyombo, US Program Services Coordinator Allison Mello, Metabyte Founder & CEO Manu Mehta, and Yantra President Global Delivery Vikram Bhandari.