Expressing solidarity with the protesting Maruti Suzuki workers at Manesar, various trade unions, students and lawyers, staged demonstrations in different parts of the Capital on Thursday.

About 100 people demonstrated outside Haryana Bhawan in the Capital, seeking Government intervention and another 150 protested outside the Tis Hazaari Metro station.

The protests come in the wake of failed tripartite talks between the Haryana Government, the MSI management and workers to end the 25-day long impasse.

The protesters submitted a memorandum to the Haryana Chief Minister, Mr Bhupinder Singh Hooda, through the State Resident Commissioner, seeking his immediate intervention.

The New Trade Union Initiative has also decided to stage demonstrations in front of Maruti Suzuki establishments in 12 locations across India.

Thursday's protesters included members of Mazdoor Ekta Kendra, Mazdoor Ekta Committee, Centre for Struggling Workers Trade Union, Krantikari Yuva Sangathan, All-India Federation of Trade Unions and Inqualabi Mazdoor Kendra, New Socialist Initiatives, Workers Unity Trade Union among other bodies.

Meanwhile, Maruti Suzuki said it produced 650 Swift cars, from its Manesar and Gurgaon plants. The company on Thursday recruited another batch of 200 workers to join production operations, taking the tally to 1,300 workers at the Manesar facility.

The deadlock began on August 29, when the MSI management prevented workers from entering the factory premises unless they signed a ‘good conduct bond', following alleged sabotage and quality issues. MSI has dismissed 33 workers and suspended 29 since.

No talks were held by the company management with the agitating workers on Thursday.