Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has sought stakeholder views on issues related to media ownership following the Information and Broadcasting Ministry seeking its recommendations on the matter.

A TRAI consultation paper has sought comments on issues such as whether there is need for disqualification of certain entities from entry in the media sector and the methodology to measure ownership and control of an entity over a media outlet.

The paper has also sought views on devising media ownership rules within and across segments as well as rules and restrictions in case of mergers and acquisitions in the sector. TRAI has also asked for suggestions for devising ownership rules for vertical integration between broadcasting and distribution entities as well mandatory disclosures that should be made by media entities, among other issues.

In a statement on Friday, TRAI said, “To ensure media pluralism and to counter the ills of monopolies, it is felt that reasonable restrictions may need to be put in place on ownership in the sector.” Adding that restrictions on media ownership exist in major international markets, it said, “media ownership rules should be so designed to strike a balance between ensuring a degree of plurality of media sources and content and a level playing field for companies operating in the sector on the one hand and providing freedom to expand, innovate and invest on the other.”

It said the consultation paper had been floated at a time when major players in print, television and radio sectors were expanding in segments of print and broadcasting sectors, leading to horizontal integration. Broadcasting companies, too, were venturing into distribution companies, leading to vertical integration in the sector.