TVS Motor Company has reported a 4 per cent growth in sales in October, over the same period last year, at 1,90,438 units. 

Total two-wheeler sales grew 4 per cent to 1,86,376 units. The company recorded a 6 per cent increase in domestic sales at 1,70,273 units.  

The company sold 72,687 motorcycle units against 75,652 units in October 2011. Scooters registered sales of 43,973 units (47,445 units). 

Total exports for October 2012 stood at 18,563 units, dropping from 22,129 units in the same month last year. Two-wheeler exports were 16,103 units, down from 20,119 units last year. 

TVS Motor three-wheeler sales grew 9 per to 4,062 units.