Two—wheeler major TVS Motor Company on Saturday reported 20.6 per cent dip in sales at 1,54,647 units in August as against the sale of 1,94,898 units during the same month last year..

Sales of two—wheelers plunged to 1,50,740 units in August 2012 as against 1,90,184 units recorded in the same period of last year, the company said in a statement.

The company had sold 3,907 units of three—wheelers in August 2012 as against 4,714 units in the corresponding period of previous year.

The company’s domestic sales witnessed a drop to 1,35,513 units in August 2012 compared with 1,63,705 units in August 2011.

Sales of motorcycles dipped to 53,673 units in August 2012 from 77,726 units sold in the same period of last year.

Scooters sales also slumped to 38,193 units in August 2012 as against 52,253 units in the same month of previous year.

On exports front, the company witnessed a 40.1 per cent slump on its sales at 17,934 units in August 2012 as against 29,984 units in the same month of last year.

Exports of motorcycle declined by 42.4 per cent at 15,227 units in the month under review as against 26,479 units in August, 2011.