Uber Eats and Café Coffee Day (CCD) announced a strategic partnership on Friday to make home-delivery smooth for the young consumers and with more options. Under the collaboration, CCD will bring in its Food and Beverages expertise, with logistics and technology skills to be taken care by UberEats.

Currently, CCD has over 1,700 cafes across 240 cities. “The objective is to make eating well effortless at anytime for everyone,” said Jason Droege, Head of Uber Eats (Global). A virtual restaurant will be created which will offer multiple brands to meet the demands of the various consumers, said Venu Madhav, Chief Executive Officer, CCD.

Virtual restaurant - a fast picking concept – is a store, from where one can order food, which might not be a full-fledged restaurant. “Our first brand will come up with offerings especially catering to millions of youngsters who have moved away from home. The menu will consist of wholesome home-styled cooked meals,” said Madhav.

The first brand will be launched in the first week of November. Later, the plan is to come up with multiple brands that will be based on needs and demands of the customer.

Under the partnership, CCD will create brands which will be specifically for UberEats. The menu will be different from the normal menu of the CCD. “Initially, it will started off with few virtual kitchen in Bengaluru. The aim is come up with as many such kitchens as possible across India”, added Madhav.