Digital transformation solutions company UST is working actively for Covid-19 pandemic relief by teaming up with governments, hospitals, relief workers, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) apart from committing itself to looking after the health and well-being of its own employees.

It has already committed a minimum amount of ₹10 crore for Covid-19 relief, a company spokesman said here. It also encourages employee contributions to meet the demand for medical supplies and support communities and has proposed a matching contribution as its associates separately.

Also read: UST expands partnership with Blue Yonder

Free vaccination for all

UST is conducting free vaccination drives for all its over 15,000 USsociates (US associates) and their immediate families and eligible dependants above 18 years of age across India. USsociates absent due to illness can avail the ‘Covid Special Leave’ option for paid leave up to 10 working days, apart from the regular leaves.

It will continue to pay salary of USsociates who have lost their lives to Covid-19. This will be paid to the respective families for a period of two years from the day of demise. This is in addition to other financial benefits, including the UST Group Life Insurance and other statutory benefits as are applicable.

Sunil Balakrishnan, Chief Values Officer and Global Head for Development Centres, UST, said, “Amid the rise of Covid-19 cases in India, our thoughts are with the medical workers, frontline workers, the UST family, and everyone fighting through this global pandemic.”

Oxygen supply equipment

Meanwhile, the company spokesman said that the Covid-19 relief work is focused on medical supplies and equipment for CFLTCs (Covid First-level Treatment Centres), dedicated treatment centres, and hospitals as well as provision of food and ration support for vulnerable communities.

UST also makes available oxygen supply equipment (oxygen concentrators, cylinders, ventilators), oxygen beds, ICU beds, N95 masks, PPE kits, face shields, sanitisers glucometers, thermometers, defibrillators, blood pressure apparatus, thermal scanners, surgical masks, gloves, and medicines for hospitals.

Steps are being initiated for ensuring essential medical supplies and equipment through hospitals, government departments, NGOs and medical suppliers involved in Covid-19 care and relief initiatives.

All locations covered

UST reaches out to at least 25 government and charitable hospitals, 30 primary health centres, four first and second level Covid-19 care centres, 48 old age homes, 94 childcare facilities, 42 special homes for the differently-abled, 36 palliative units, three crematoriums and five government quarantine centres.

It has also been lending support for the fight against the pandemic across its locations, including urban, rural, and remote areas in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana, the spokesman pointed out.

It has partnered with the Viswasanthi Foundation, the Sampark Seva Trust, Nirmaan, EFI, PAN India and CII and teamed up with the St John’s hospital, Bengaluru; Government Medical Colleges at Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi; the Rajiv Gandhi Hospital, Chennai; and the Gandhi Government Hospital, Hyderabad.

Safety of all, utmost priority

“UST is lending support and contributing to relief efforts across India. We are committed to transforming lives, and the safety of everyone is our utmost priority. We hope that these efforts undertaken by UST would add muscle to the unprecedented war against the pandemic,” Sunil Balakrishnan said.

UST had been fully involved in relief measures right from the days the pandemic made its advent and threatened lives and livelihoods. “In the year 2020, we worked intensively across UST India locations and some Asia-Pacific and the US regions as well,” he added.

The company had supported over 80,000 lives directly through food and medical supplies. “We reached out to hospitals, medical institutes, frontline health workers with medical supplies and aided the vulnerable sections of our community with food and medical supplies,” Balakrishnan pointed out.

Also read: Despite odds, digital is rarely where funding is cut, says Chief Digital Officer at UST

Separate UST portal

CFLTs and quarantine facilities for USsociates and immediate family members are available in Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram. Self-help groups have been set up where USsociates who are willing to help others or those who need any support can join.

UST has also created a portal to monitor the Covid-19 cases among its USsociates. Apart from the well-being of the employees, the purpose is also to contain the spread of Covid-19 and reduce the potential risk of exposure among our remote and office-coming associates.