Venus Remedies has secured its third US patent for its novel antibiotic product Potentox. Granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the patent protects the composition and the method of treatment.

The patent provides an exclusivity period until May 2027. In addition to this new patent grant, the drug is protected by a number of other patents from across the globe including Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, South Africa and Ukraine.

The new drug is an antibiotic adjuvant entity and is considered effective in case of hospital acquired pneumoniae and febrile neutropenia infections, ouinolones or aminoglycoside resistant cases.

“We see this patent grant as recognition of the capability of not only our company but Indian pharmaceutical industry as a whole in the field of pharmaceutical research. We have already initiated for strategic tie-ups with global pharma giants,’’ said Dr Mufti Suhail Sayeed, Vice President-Venus Medical Research Centre, Venus Remedies.

Infections caused by resistant micro-organisms often fail to respond to conventional treatment, resulting in prolonged illness and greater risk of death. The drug aims to halt the development of bacterial resistance as also its spread.

The company has already been marketing the drug in India and few of the emerging markets around the globe. The product is growing with a CAGR of 50 per cent since the past three years. The company plans to have a pre-IND meeting with the US FDA for fast track approval of the product.