Food and beverage major PepsiCo India on Tuesday said it has roped in Bollywood actor Vidya Balan as brand ambassador for its snack brand, Aliva.

The company that launched six new baked variants under the Aliva brand said it will kick off campaign featuring Balan shortly as it looks to create a new segment in the estimated $4 billion snacks market in India.

“What we are trying to do is create a new segment based on health and taste through Aliva in the snacks market in India. We feel that Vidya is the right match for the style and substance that we want to portray for Aliva's new variants,” PepsiCo India, Marketing Director — Foods, Mr Vidur Vyas, told PTI.

The company is targeting consumers in the upper socio-economic strata for Aliva's new range of products — Multigrain Waves, Milk Minis and Crispy Thinz — which are available in two variants each, he added.