Retail giant Walmart has said it will provide “relevant information” to the Indian authorities for the judicial probe announced due to pressure from Opposition parties on the issue of the company’s lobbying efforts in the US regarding India’s multi-brand retail sector.

“We will be working to provide the authorities with relevant information,” a Walmart spokesperson told PTI when asked if the US-based company would co-operate with the Indian Government in its judicial probe.

The spokesperson, however, insisted that the routine lobbying disclosure before the US Congress, as mandated by law, does not reflect any improper conduct in India.

“The allegation that a routine US lobbying disclosure form reflects improper conduct in India is false.

“These disclosures have nothing to do with political or governmental contacts with Indian Government officials,” the spokesperson said.

“It shows that our business interest in India was discussed with US Government officials — along with 50 or more other topics during a three-month period,” the spokesperson said in response to a question.

Under US law, on a quarterly basis, all companies which meet certain time and expense thresholds, are required to disclose issues and expenditures spent in connection with contacts with the US Government, including staffing cost, association dues, and payments to consultants, she noted.