IT services major Wipro’s new CEO and Managing Director Thierry Delaporte, who took charge on Monday, called upon employees to strive for improvement in all spheres and aim to lead in industry growth.

“Despite the immediate challenges, I have no doubt that we will emerge stronger. We must strive for improvement in all spheres and aim to achieve industry leading growth,” said Delaporte in his first e-mail addressed to Wiproites.

“We must build an inclusive and sustainable future in the best interests of all our stakeholders. I am counting on your support,” he said.

A defining period

Stating that this is a defining period for the IT industry and Wipro, the new CEO said disruption has always been a part of business.

“Yes, today, our normal lives have been upended.

The challenges are new. But I know that Wipro, with a history of 75 years, has overcome many challenges with tenacity and resilience,” he said.

“The culture of innovation fostered here over the ages will help us pivot and transform,” he said.

Wipro had, on May 29, announced the appointment of Capgemini Group veteran Thierry Delaporte as its CEO and Managing Director effective July 6.

In January this year, the company said Abidali Z Neemuchwala had decided to step down from the company as CEO and Managing Director.

Abidali Neemuchwala relinquished his position on June 1.

A cultural shift

Noting that in the past few weeks he has had wide-ranging conversations with Wipro Chairman Rishad Premji, Delaporte said he was struck by his (Premji’s) clarity of thought, his principled approach towards leadership, and his commitment to bring about a cultural shift to create an environment that drives a growth mindset.

Over the next few days, he said he would be spending time with senior leaders and teams across units and functions to take a holistic view of Wipro’s business and understand its opportunities and challenges better.

“I am equally keen to understand your thoughts, ideas and aspirations. It is disappointing that I will have to wait longer to meet all of you. I can’t wait to be among you,” he said.

“Given the circumstances, our initial interactions may have to be limited to the virtual mode, but I plan to regularly update you on our journey,” he added.

Pointing out that today was his first day both as a Wiproite and as the new CEO, Delaporte said he was excited to join Wipro and consider it a great privilege to be asked to lead the company.

“I write this note amid a global pandemic, which has few parallels in history. Safety of employees will be our paramount concern as we navigate these extraordinary times,” he said.