Women buy nearly 24 per cent of the electric vehicles sold by Tata Motors, which commands a 72 per cent share of the Indian electric car market. The reasons for this include ease of driving, safety aspects, and rise in charging infrastructure, according to Vivek Srivatsa, Head-Marketing, Sales and Service Strategy, Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd.

Earlier, customers viewed electric vehicles as a second choice when buying a car. Now, a majority of them see it as the primary choice, he said. Kerala and Maharashtra are frontrunners in EV adoption, he added.

Srivatsa, who was in Kochi in connection with a women’s car rally, told businessline that customers have proved they are always quick to adapt to change, as reflected by the multi-fold growth in the sales of Tata EVs over the past few years. “In FY20, we would have sold about 1,200 EVs, in FY21 around 4,200 units, in FY22 around 19,000 units, and last year we sold 50,000 units, posting a growth of 154 per cent over FY22.”

“We crossed one lakh EV sales in the country last week, which is a big landmark. The sale of the first 10,000 EV units has taken 44 months since the launch of the first product in 2017. The next sale of 10,000-50,000 units took 15 months, and [the sale of the next] 50,000 units only took nine months. We expect the next 50,000 sales in 5-6 months,” he said.

The company, he said, is in the process of adding six more EV products by 2025 to take the total number of variants to 10. In Q1 FY24, it recorded the highest ever quarterly sales of 19,346 vehicles (up 105 per cent over Q1 FY23). The excellent market response to Tiago EV catalysed this growth while the demand for other EVs remained consistent, he said. 

He rated the charging infrastructure in Kerala among the best in the country.