Zuari’s Superlite AAC concrete block has earned the unique distinction of becoming CII’s first certified Green Product (GreenPro).

Providing a major impetus to the Green Business movement in the country, this is seen as a major milestone in CII’s mission to facilitate India emerge as one of the global leaders in Green Business.

This demonstrates how products can play a catalytic role in addressing the process to facilitate a greener and healthier India.

The features include 70 per cent of flyash brick-one the highest in industry, thermal needs met through renewable energy sources, better thermal performance and reduction in water consumption.

Green Pro Certification will help manufacturers to position their products as being green and eco-friendly.

ParasuRaman R, Chairman, Green Products & Services Council & Founding Chairman, IGBC, presented the GreenPro plaque and certificate to Giovanni Battista Ferrario, Chief Operating Officer, Italcementi Group, at Bengaluru.

ParasuRaman said: “The day is not far, when consumers will only demand green products & technologies.”