About 60 per cent of applicants under the business/travel (B1/B2) category have been granted visas to travel to the US from India during 2010, according to officials of the US Consulate.

During 2010, 2,59,000 visas were issued under this category and the number is going up each passing year, they told a select gathering of travel and tour operators during SKOL International meeting held by the Hyderabad chapter.

At an interactive session hosted here by SKOL, the global association of tour and travel industry, Mr Jeremy Jewitt and Mr Elvin John, both Vice-Consul Officers of the US Consulate in Hyderabad, sought to demystify the entire visa application and issue process.

They said honesty in the whole process is a win-win situation for everyone – the applicant, the operator and the visa issuing authority.

Describing B1/B2 as non-immigrant categories, they maintained that the rejections were due to the fact that they do not fit into the US laws and other norms.

They said applicants making false claims during the visa process could be potentially barred from entering the US for ever.

The travel and tour operators, expressed concern about the difficulties Telugu-speaking applicants faced in securing appointment with the Consulate.

Mr Jewitt surprised the entire gathering speaking in Telugu, and mentioned that he had about 6 months training in the language in Washington before he was posted here.

Mr John said that the outreach programme which they take up with tour and travel operators and education community is very useful and helps people understand the requirements.

The President of Hyderabad Chapter of SKAL, Ms Asha Kumar, said the organisation has over 20,000 members spread across 85 countries.

India now has 10 chapters and it is proposed to add three more during the year. Since its inception in 1932 in Paris, SKAL has become a platform for travel and tour operators across the globe, to learn and share experiences.