The potential impact of coronavirus outbreak is making Indians cautious of their well being and impacting travel plans. According to a recent survey, 71 per cent participants believe that coronavirus is a risk and 72 per cent are not travelling internationally due to the potential risk.

GOQii, the smart-tech-enabled preventive healthcare company, has done a survey of over 10,000 people across the country.

As of February 27, 2020, China reported 78,824 confirmed cases of the virus with a death toll of 2,788. What started in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019, has now struck Europe and the US, and has overall claimed many lives.

“Being aware and prepared is the need of the hour against Coronavirus. It is important that we as individuals and organizations be prepared to take all precautionary measures to safeguard ourselves and our communities. As a company to we are taking measures to ensure our employees are safe,” said Vishal Gondal, Founder & CEO, GOQii.

Travel industry players have already said coronavirus has impacted travel plans. According to the results of the survey 72 per cent of those surveyed are not travelling due to the Coronavirus.

About 38 per cent said they wouldn’t want to travel to any other country, while 26.64 per cent people said they won’t travel to the affected countries. 6.57 per cent people have actually cancelled or are planning to cancel their booked travel plans.

This, according to GOQii, is likely to have an impact on the travel business.