A restructuring and revival package for weavers will be rolled out in Andhra Pradesh soon.

The State Government and the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development have entered into a memorandum of understanding in this regard at the State Level Bankers' Committee meeting held here on Saturday.

This memorandum will facilitate implementation of newly-launched centrally-sponsored Revival, Reform and Restructuring Package for Handloom Sector Scheme in the State.

Many benefits

The Andhra Pradesh State Handloom Weavers' Cooperative Society Ltd, primary weavers' co-operative societies, individual weavers, self help groups, joint liability groups and master weavers would benefit to the tune of Rs 303 crore under the scheme.

To implement the scheme, the State Government had allocated Rs 100 crore as part of its share during 2012-13.

This was in addition to the Rs 142.15 crore already released by the State Government to 26,482 individual weavers and 1,404 primary weavers' cooperative societies under the loan-waiver scheme earlier.

The scheme would also help in the strengthening of weavers' cooperative societies by capacity building through computerisation and adopting management information system and common accounting system.
