Andhra Pradesh has been chosen for the ‘Investment Driven Economies Award' in the India's Most Competitive States Awards 2012 initiative. The award has been constituted by the Institute for Competitiveness (India), the Indian wing of the global network of Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School.

While Delhi was ranked for the top position in City States, Punjab was rated numero uno in Transition Economies and Bihar was ranked number one in the Emerging Economy category. Haryana was rated as the Most Innovation driven Economy and Rajasthan for being the best in Changeover Economies.

The southern State has emerged as the most competitive investment driven economy, according to a study based on competitiveness of States in the country.

The award provides a detailed description of the 29 Indian States, their competitiveness in terms of business environment, infrastructure and technology.

The report is based on a detailed study, wherein the States were critically evaluated on various parameters such as macro and microeconomic competitiveness. This is based on in-depth research and analysis by the Institute, according to a press statement.

The States were categorised under six heads — City States, Innovation Driven Economies, Transition Economies, Investment Driven Economies, Changeover Economies and Most Emerging Economy.

The framework used for the study is based on the Microeconomic Diamond Model laid down by Mr Michael E. Porter. The model is widely accepted assesses the competitiveness of a region or domain based on specific benchmarks.

AP was ranked first in context for strategy and factor conditions. It has the best administrative environment, well-defined human capacity and lot of scope for innovation, according to the report.
