BJP today said that it found considerable merit in three contentious issues raised by Team Anna, including covering the entire bureaucracy and Citizens’ Charter for public grievances under Lokpal and favoured Lokayuktas in the states.

However, it said inclusion of Prime Minister under Lokpal should be with the exception of certain areas like national security.

These views were forcefully expressed by Mr Arun Jaitley, Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, during debate on the Lokpal issue in the House.

Besides, the party was against the phone-tapping powers to be given to any institution, except in matters of national security. Mr Jaitley said it was conveyed to Team Anna when they met the party leaders.

Mr Jaitley found “greater merit” in having a Citizens’ Charter for redressal of grievances of the common man. He said several state governments have already started work in this area.

On the demand of the Anna Hazare-led civil society for having the entire bureaucracy under the Lokpal, he said there is considerable merit in it. “All public servants must be made accountable... When we are including the Prime Minister (in the Lokpal)...”

Responding to a specific enquiry by the Finance Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, whether there can be a central law for Lokayuktas in the states, Mr Jaitley, an eminent lawyer, said there can be enabling laws. While there is merit in this, Lokayuktas should not be appointed by the Centre.

He said: “We have heard some not-so-complimentary statements against MPs” and urged members to show maturity without getting provoked.