Most markets remained closed in the Capital but vehicular traffic was almost normal as the NDA and Left called for a country-wide ‘Bharat Bandh' on Thursday against the steep hike in petrol prices.

DTC buses and Delhi Metro services ran normally, but commuters had to face some trouble as close to 50,000 auto rickshaws and some taxi unions went off the roads to protest against petrol prices as well as Delhi's proposal to impose value added tax on CNG.

While the Chief Minister, Ms Sheila Dikshit, described the bandh as a “total failure”, the BJP and Left parties as well as traders associations claimed that it was successful.

traffic jams

There were reports of traffic jams from some areas such as Akshardham temple in East Delhi as BJP activists blocked the roads. BJP leaders Mr Ananth Kumar and Mr Vijay Goel and Mr Vijender Gupta were among those who were detained.

“The bandh shows public anger against this Government. This will be the last nail in its coffin,” BJP National Vice-President, Mr Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, said.

In Old Delhi, Left leaders such as Mr Prakash Karat, Mr A.B Bardhan, Mr Sitaram Yechury and Mr D Raja courted arrested along with supporters.

Mr Karat said the steep rise in petrol prices was an atrocious step of the central government and this hike has resulted in an increase in prices of all essential commodities.

According to the police, National Highway-24 was blocked and the Delhi-Rohtak rail route was choked by BJP workers in the morning.

In addition to Delhi Police, around 3,500 paramilitary personnel were deployed to man the streets during the protests.