The compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) distribution programme in Kerala has been recognised by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), one of the ‘flexibility mechanisms' under the Kyoto Protocol.

The CDM allows emission-reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction credits (carbon credits). These can be traded and sold and used by industrialised countries to a meet a part of their emission reduction targets. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) has now approved the CDM programme activity design document (CPA-DD) pertaining to the CFL distribution programme and has published it on its Web site.

The programme saw the Energy Management Centre (EMC), an autonomous body under the State Government, and the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB), distribute 1.5 crore energy-saving CFL distribution programme.

This was taken up as part of the larger nation-wide Bachat Lamp Yojna with financial support from the Government of Kerala, which had extended an assistance of Rs 40 crore.

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency, New Delhi, the Central coordinating agency to implement the Energy Conservation Act, had designed the Bachat Lamp Yojana project.

Two 14W CFLs were distributed in lieu of two 60W incandescent lamps to domestic electricity consumers, according to Mr K. M. Dharesan Unnithan, Director, EMC.

The 1,27,93,540 CFL lamps distributed to domestic consumers has led to a reduction of 300 MW in electricity consumed during peak hours.

Safe disposal of collected incandescent bulbs and study on electricity use pattern post-implementation of the CFL programme, will have to be done according to the CDM project requirement.

The EMC expects that these activities can be taken to their logical conclusion shortly. Meanwhile, other States have approached the EMC for the guidance for replication of this project locally, Mr Unnithan said.


TuV Sud Industrie Service Gmbh was appointed as the designated operational entity (DoE) for validation of the CFL programme.

TuV Industrie officials completed the validation after a visit to various circles of the KSEB and discussions with officials and consumers during February-March this year.

Twenty CPA-DDs were prepared for the project pertaining to 23 electricity circles in the State.

For now, the document of the Thiruvananthapuram urban circle of KSEB has been accepted.

The rest are expected to be approved shortly.